San Vincenzo Pallotti, Assam – Nord India
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Che coraggio!
Solo l’amore di Dio spinge e sostiene giovani suore a vivere lontano dalla propria terra.
Ringraziamo il Signore per questa giovane comunità che attraverso l’educazione, il lavoro, la catechesi, la visita alle famiglia … realizza in pieno l’apostolato cattolico.
We started our mission in North East by the inspiration of our Father Founder St.Vincent Pallotti. It was our greatest dream to begin a new mission in North East, India. By the splendid grace of God it has fulfilled or came true on the occasion of silver jubilee of our presence in India. We remember in gratitude the person of Sr. Selinkattapuramthen, our Delegate Superior, who has taken great effort in her heart, this dream,to come true.
Accepting the invitation of Arch Bishop of Guwahati Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Menamparambilon 21st of August 2009Sr. Selin along with Sr.Milani visited many mission stations in the Diocese of Guwahati and in the Diocese of Tura with the help of Fr. K.L James (a priest of Tura Diocese).
On 9th of November 2009 Vicar General of Guwahati Rev.Fr. Varghese Kizhakevely paid a visit to our Superior Provincial Sr.SaraCarfagna at Edacochin to speak about the new mission. Sr.Sara took this matter very seriously consulted with her councilors and took the decision to begin this mission immediately.
A flower bloomed on 7th December 2009 by granting permission to start our mission.
“Many are called but few are chosen”
The first members of the new mission: Sr.SelinKattapuram, Sr.DianaLazardo, Sr.AnilaPozhamangalath, Sr.ShimilaKiliyara and Sr.BrigitLincy. After a profound spiritual preparation our Mother General Serena Campiaghigave mandatory to these members on 3rd of January 2010 during the Eucharistic celebration. Very Rev. Fr. Mathew Panakkal advised, encouraged and enlightened these missionaries about the need and importance of mission in North East, India.
The North East Indian people are tribal’s. Who lead a simple life and live in Bamboo huts. By the providence of God, the sisters were given by the Diocese a small house made out of bamboo. The structure of our house is consists of 4 rooms. One chapel 2 small bed rooms and one dining room attached by kitchen. This Heavenly abode was blessed by Fr. ArockiaSamy and inaugurated by Sr. SelinKattapuram our Delegate Superior. The members entered in the house through procession with the lighted candles and carrying the crucifix.
Sisters began their apostolate with much zeal enthusiasm in the parish as well as in the school. In this area there is great need for evangelization and the sisters are trying to do their best. Really first year it was very tough since it was new place, new language, new culture and new people above all far from everybody. Really, it was a very challenging situation. Though it was a different situation, it has made to renew our faith and trust in the Lord more and more.
The simplicity and the acceptance of the people made the sisters always to feel at home. Village touring(visiting the villeges& families) helped the sisters to learn the local language and to communicate with the people. We thank God for granting us this opportunity to live and act according to the signs of time.
For each and every need the Arch Diocese of Guwahati and people around this area areenforcement for us to do our apostolate with much dedication and happiness.
On 21st November 2011 Bishop John Moolachira ( Arch Bishop of Guwahati ) and Fr. Mathew Anchukandam( Administrator of Guwahati Diocese ) came to our community to see the place to build the hostel for girls. On 11thDecember 2011 in the presence of Fr. Arockia the Parish Priest, and the parishioners we laid the foundation stone for girl’s hostel.
By the grace of God, the construction completed very fast. On10th November 2012 the hostel building was blessed by Bishop John Moolachira and inaugurated by Sr. Lucy Thomas our Delegate Superior. In the hostel, we have accommodated some girls. We also render our service whole-heartedly and we stay along with the girls.
Really we are very grateful to Arch Diocese of Guwahati for gifting us much a mighty building. We also gratefully remember all our benefactors, our Parish Priest Fr. ArockiaSamy and all our parishioners and all the people of this area for their hard work and willingness for rendering their services.
(Donated by Arch Diocese of Guwahati)
At present, we are also animating some prayer services in the villages for the different groups like women, men and for the children. We also do the family Apostolate, through which we could really go to the level of the people and console them with our valuable and solid prayers and advices.
We are really happy and inspired to render our services in this mission place, where we could deeply experience the mission spirit of Jesus who is so poor, chaste and obedient to the will of the Father.
‘Jesus our teacher’
Following the footsteps of our Master, we educate our children with love and care both mentally and spiritually.
‘Ora et Labora’
We are extremely happy to be part of god’s work. We thank the almighty for his blessing and guidance.
‘Dedication determines our future’ the spirit that we imbibed from our founder and superiors made us what we are here today. We will leave our mark that will be remembered in the history of Tillapara.
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