Farsi voce di chi non ha voce

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“Se desideri che anche tu  far parte di noi anche con 1 euro al giorno potresti spazzare via le lacrime di migliaia di bambini”.

Con queste parole termina l’articolo scritto da Suor Sindhu, una giovane suora pallottina, della bella terra indiana, è inserita nella diocesi di Warangal nello stato di Telangana.

Lavora con la ONG Lodi MSSS (Lodi multiuso centro servizi sociali) preparando ed attuando dei progetti per sollevare la vita di tanti poveri.

Lo scopo di questa ONG è molto buono e secondo quello che diceva il nostro Fondatore, ogni mezzo è buono per diffondere l’amore infinito di Dio e alleviare le sofferenze di tanti fratelli.

E’ molto importante partecipare alla vita sociale della Diocesi.

SrSindhu, dopo una lunga preparazione, ora mette se stessa al servizio di Dio attraverso questo canale umanitario.

English :

Thanks for having asked me related to my work .Actually I am doing only project preparation for the needs towards the Warangaldioceses. I am working in an NGO Lodi MSSS (Lodi multipurpose social service center).Lodi is run for the upliftment of the poor in Warangaldiocese belongs to Telangana state. It was established by the PIME fathers missionaries from Italy now run by Warangal Diocese. The center undertake various activities vision of LMSSSBuilding up a just human society by promoting integral human development, based on the values of love, cooperation, equality, brotherhood, peace, justice, truth and sharingmission of LMSSS is committed to promote the empowerment of the poor and down trodden groups by promoting integral development in socio, economic, political, cultural and ecological.

LMSSS Main activities Agriculture, Environmental, Climate change and eco-friendly culture Development programs, Watershed and drought proofing programmes Drinking Water Facilities through bore wells, Overhead tanks,Integrated Rural Development Programs - (Women Empowerment programmes).Community Based Rehabilitation programmes Institutional care for differently abled children .Welfare of Women and Children through Anti-trafficking  and Adolescent programs .Education and Child development – Child labour elimination programs.Health, sanitation and Hygiene  programs.HIV/AIDS programmes- HCBCS (Home and community based care and support), PPTCTCs (Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission Centres) , Care of infected and affected children, Care and support centers.Shelter to the poor –Housing program. Youthanimation andVocational programs. 

The institutional organization consist of project coordinator ,programme coordinator outreach workers .and volunteer animators .projects are varied mainly focused to work with poor and deprived of mainstreams of life . For their lively hood we have implemented organic farming making use of available resources, throughwaste management through which produce minerals for organic agricultural production. To this purpose waste managementvermicoposed pits are built in each house and instruct the processes to make the minor rather than using chemicals and spending huge amount for the cultivation .people also consume healthy food through organic farming. 

Women empowerment programme held through forming SHGself Help groups wherewomen in the village formed in to small groups and saved small amount which turn to source of big amount through bank deposit and loan .Group ways women are supported to begin petty shops enterprenrenuers andsmall-scale industries ,animalhusbandary,treeplantation ,tree are of costly wood ,fruit trees .kitchen garden formation ,distribution of plants and seeds .

 We also engage in housing for the poor tribal and schedule caste with thesupportof the local stake holders .since 2002 mainly concentrated on HIV/AIDS infected and affected children, young women and men, families and villages. Throughvarious project medical support, nutritionalsupport, educational support, couinciling and rehabilitatation to variouscenters provided. At present 1300 children are provided all the basic needs s from lodi at free cost .

watershed p[rogrammes making water collection pit of rain water constructed in the farm field which could make use for the cultivation .these programmes are takenup in the village where there is no facilities of canal water supply .poor people with the bank loan and debt do agriculture activities if lack of rain they may lose profit therefore many suicide cases are frequent event in the villages .Drinking water facility provided with constructing over headed tanks and purifiers are placed in each village.

The villages in Warangal district drought pruned .people are deprived of basic need .lack of water they migrate to cities .living in urban slums these people carry vulnerable diseses.children also turn into beggary smuggling. Dropout is high in number. The disabled in the villages are provided appliances and rehabilitee to different institutes .we also approach governments and stakeholders for advocacy for the entire development of the poor around us. If you wish you too can be part of us even with 1 Euro per day could wipe away the tears of the thousands.

Suor Sindu



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